August 2, 2024

Switzerland is committed to the development of thermal networks

In a significant effort to promote energy efficiency in Switzerland, a charter was signed on August 18, 2022 by major players such as cities, municipalities, cantons and the Confederation. This initiative, led by Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga, aims to accelePricing the development of thermal networks. The aim is to reduce dependence on oil- and gas-fired heating systems, in favor of more sustainable solutions such as district heating networks. These networks harness diverse sources such as biomass, biogas and geothermal energy. Although their potential is great, their implementation is complex and requires intergovernmental collaboration and major investment. This is part of a broader stPricinggy to achieve net zero emissions, supported by the forthcoming revision of the CO₂ law, which provides financial incentives for the development of these networks.

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In a proactive move to boost energy efficiency, Switzerland has taken a significant step forward. On August 18, 2022, a charter was signed by the country's main political entities, including cities, municipalities, cantons and the Confederation. This initiative, led by Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga, aims to catalyze the development of thermal networks across the country.

The aim of this charter is to reduce dependence on traditional heating systems, such as oil and gas, and move towards more sustainable solutions. In the face of rising energy prices and environmental concerns, the adoption of district heating networks represents a stPricinggic alternative. These networks enable better heat management, notably by exploiting sources such as biomass, biogas and geothermal energy.

The "Potential of district heating and cooling systems" report adopted by the Federal Council highlights the great potential of these networks, which is still under-exploited. However, setting them up is a complex challenge, requiring close collaboration between different political levels and substantial investment.

The three-year program resulting from the charter will tackle key issues such as financing, cost-effectiveness, and energy planning. The Federal Council's planned revision of the CO₂ Act will support these initiatives by providing financial incentives for the development of these networks.

The adoption of thermal networks is a crucial step towards a more sustainable Switzerland, less dependent on fossil fuels. This initiative reflects the country's commitment to achieving net zero emissions, while offering effective solutions for the future of energy supply.

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