September 18, 2024

Interview Max Carrel, Co-Founder of Dyneo

Watch the interview with Max Carrel, co-founder, as part of our selection for Venture Leader Cleantech 2024!

Any questions?

Interview with Max Carrel, co-founder of Dyneo Technologies :

Who is your solution aimed at, and how does it help your customers?
Dyneo supports operators of district heating and cooling networks in reducing the carbon footprint of their infrastructures. Our solution relies on data analysis-based technologies to adjust both heat production and consumption, reduce thermal losses, and increase the share of renewable energies in their energy mix.

What market are you targeting and what is your startup's potential in this sector?
Heating and cooling account for a significant proportion of greenhouse gas emissions, representing almost 50% of energy consumption in Europe. District heating and cooling networks are a key technology for decarbonizing this sector. Currently, they cover the thermal energy needs of 77 million people in Europe, and this figure is set to rise to almost 100 million by 2023. Our technology enables operators of these complex infrastructures to significantly improve their energy efficiency, while making their operations more sustainable.

How and where did you come up with the idea of creating Dyneo?
Along with my co-founder Maël Perret, we were working in a company that used intelligent technologies to improve the energy efficiency of individual buildings. In the course of our discussions with energy suppliers, and more specifically with heating and cooling network operators, we became aware of the major challenges they were facing. We then realized that the technology and approach we were using could provide a highly effective response to these issues, while also having a considerable impact on reducing CO2 emissions.

What does the Venture Leaders Cleantech program mean to you, and how will it help you realize your vision?
We've had the opportunity to prove the value of our technology to major energy suppliers in Switzerland, and we're now looking to expand into other European countries. The Venture Leaders Cleantech program is an excellent opportunity for us to pave the way internationally. We look forward to exploring valuable partnerships, whether in financing or business development. What's more, we're looking forward to challenging our expansion strategy through expert advice and exchanges with other entrepreneurs.

What are your team's main achievements to date?
We have deployed our technology in four projects with major energy suppliers in Switzerland. Together, these infrastructures cover the heating needs of almost 2,000 people. In addition to providing us with solid traction in the market, these projects enable us to gather valuable feedback to continue improving our solution.

What is the most challenging and rewarding aspect of being a founder?
The degree of uncertainty involved in starting a business can be daunting. However, this is far outweighed by the deep sense of accomplishment that comes from recognizing the successes of the team we've built. This feeling is all the stronger in an impact company, where every success translates directly into significant benefits for society.

What's the most important lesson you've learned as a founder?
Trust! Trusting your team is essential if everyone is to feel truly empowered, which has a major impact on their autonomy. It also enables me to focus my energy and time where it's most needed.

What is your favorite productivity tool or trick, and why?
I don't think there's any magic "hack". For me, the key to productivity is to gradually bring the team up to cruising speed by implementing flexible but structured processes. Reflecting on what works and what doesn't, and above all acting accordingly, is a powerful lever in my opinion.

What was your dream job as a child?
When I was little, I wanted to be a fireman, a policeman and a soldier all rolled into one. But I soon realized that my real mission would be to fight climate change. This realization guided my professional choices, and led to the creation of Dyneo.


Watch the original interview: https: //

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